We are extremely pleased to announce that today, our exhibition of colour and black and white photographs from Scotland begins. It takes place in Cafe Velryba, Opatovicka 24, Prague 1 until September 30.
You all are invited to come and see 39 images, of which 20 are hand made by Ota via his traditional darkroom process and the remaining 19 are not so much hand made, but beautifully printed by my Epson with love.
The opening party starts in few hours, you can still join us if you're around.
For those who can't join us today, here's the live coverage of the event. :-)
Just arrived. Nice place for showcasing the photos.
Even nicer inside!
Ota reviewing the place...
The place filled up quickly. :-)
All done. Thank you for coming.
Here's the interesting report from the opening by Kavarna Velryba: http://on.fb.me/1iBSzMN .